When ADHD Curiosity Fuels Innovation and Exploration
“My ADHD curiosity sends me down rabbit holes that cost me on occasion but, wow, the things I learn.” — John, FloridaThe ADHD mind is not satisfied with ‘what’ and ‘where.’ As one reader told us, “I am a solution detective, always driven by the ‘why’ and the ‘how.’” And that natural intellectual curiosity regularly unlocks innovation.Here’s how ADDitude readers answered our question, “How has your (or your child’s) curious ADHD brain fueled innovation, exploration, and/or opportunity?”Share your own stories of where ADHD curiosity has taken you in the comments section!“My child’s curiosity has fueled her soccer progression. She wants to know the ‘how’ and ‘why’ for every play, making her the best strategist on the field.” — An ADDitude Reader“I saw a queue of people with instruments in Glasgow, Scotland. I couldn’t not ask what was going on! Turns out it was open auditions for a TV show, which I joined and went on to win. Completely serendipitous, but that seems to happen to me a lot.