Bandula Gunawardena: Latest News

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Bandula Gunawardena - Ranil Wickremesinghe - President orders to further curtail government expenditure - - Sri Lanka
President orders to further curtail government expenditure
COLOMBO (News 1st); In a note to the Cabinet, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, had stated that the Government revenue at present is far below the monthly expenditure for the month of January 2023.The President's Media Division, and Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Bandula Gunawardena confirmed that the President had instructed on further curtailing government expenses.The President had noted that the Treasury finds it challenging to meet all expenditures at this moment, except for payments for salaries, pensions, welfare, pharmaceuticals and debt servicing.Therefore, President Wickremesinghe had pointed out that the Government expenditure will have to be curtailed further / postponed until planned revenue to be raised on the recent tax revisions is realized, reported the President's Media Division.He had noted that the Treasury will formulate a priority criterion for this purpose.Furthermore, the President had pointed out that public officers should refrain from obtaining goods/services on credit basis, and any officer who violates this will be held personally responsible for such expenditure, said the PMD."The President informed the Cabinet of Ministers that the revenue for January collected from the Inland Revenue Department, Sri Lanka Customs and the Excise Department was Rs. 158.7 Billion.
Bandula Gunawardena - Ranil Wickremesinghe - Yala Fiasco : President orders probe, says Cabinet Spokesperson - - Sri Lanka
Yala Fiasco : President orders probe, says Cabinet Spokesperson
COLOMBO (News 1st)- Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has instructed the security forces to conduct an investigation in an impartial manner in to the recent incident inside the Yala National Park where a fleet of Off-Road vehicles were seen performing doughnut inside the park premises.Cabinent Spokesperson & Minister Bandula Gunawardena said that the President also instructed to penalize those accountable.Nine people and seven jeeps that were involved in the Yala Fiasco over the weekend, that received widespread condemnation, were produced to the Tissamaharama District Court on Wednesday (26) after they surrendered to the Yala National Park Rangers Office earlier in the day.The Magistrate ordered for the suspects to be released on a personal bail of Rs. 500,000/- each.In the meantime, a three-member Committee was appointed to conduct further investigations on the Wildlife officials who have been temporarily suspended for failing to prevent incident from taking place.This committee will be chaired by an Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Resource Conservation.A total of seven Park Rangers have been interdicted until the investigations are over, and they are charged with dereliction of duty and for their direct or indirect involvement in the incident.The matter was also raised during Wednesday's (26) cabinet briefing, and Minister Bandula Gunawardena.
Bandula Gunawardena - Coal Crisis: Cabinet Spokesperson blames conspiracy - - Sri Lanka
Coal Crisis: Cabinet Spokesperson blames conspiracy
Coal Crisis: Cabinet Spokesperson blames conspiracyCOLOMBO (News 1st) – Sri Lanka's Cabinet Spokesperson on Friday (23) revealed that a conspiracy is taking place to deprive the country of on-time coal imports.Minister (Dr) Bandula Gunawardena, the country's cabinet spokesperson, told reporters on Friday (23) that a conspiratorial plan is afoot to deny the on-time coal delivery and to extend the power cuts.He said that the coal tender that was awarded recently, was for a bid that was lower than what was offered last year.The Minister said that due to technical and legal issues if Sri Lanka fails to import coal on time it would lead to a crisis, and therefore it was decided by the Cabinet of Ministers to appoint a Cabinet Sub-Committee to make an emergency decision that is paramount for the country and to make purchases in a manner that does not affect the people.He said that all necessary decisions will be made by the subject Minister, and the Cabinet Sub-Committee to prevent a shutdown of the power plant that would lead to extended power cuts.The Minister said coal procurement will be made as an emergency national requirement, that will not affect the people in any way.Sri Lanka is likely to once again face an electricity crisis due to issues surrounding the procurement of coal to power the Norochcholai Power Plant.The Ceylon Electricity Board Engineer's Union warned that daily power cuts are likely to be extended to ten hours a day, if coal is not received by the 25th of October 2022.The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka also approved the Ceylon Electricity Boards' (CEB) request for power cuts of 2 hours & 20 minutes from 23rd to 25th September.Electricity Supply: 30 percent of the country's electricity supply