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Gunman who killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue found eligible for death penalty - - Usa - state Pennsylvania - city Pittsburgh, state Pennsylvania
Gunman who killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue found eligible for death penalty
TREE OF LIFE SYNAGOGUE, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES - 2018/10/29: Members of Pittsburgh and the Squirrel Hill community pay their respects at the memorial to the 11 victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue massacre perpetrated by suspect Rob PITTSBURGH - The gunman who killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018 is eligible for the death penalty, a federal jury announced Thursday, setting the stage for further evidence and testimony on whether he should be sentenced to death or life in prison.The government is seeking capital punishment for Robert Bowers, who raged against Jewish people online before storming the Tree of Life synagogue with an AR-15 rifle and other weapons in the nation’s deadliest antisemitic attack. The jury agreed with prosecutors that Bowers — who spent six months planning the attack and has since expressed regret that he didn’t kill more people — had formed the requisite legal intent to kill.Bowers’ lawyers argued that his ability to form intent was impaired by mental illness and a delusional belief that he could stop a genocide of white people by killing Jews.Testimony is now expected to shift to the impact of Bowers’ crimes on survivors and the victims’ loved ones.Bowers, 50, a truck driver from suburban Baldwin, killed members of three congregations who had gathered at the Tree of Life synagogue on Oct.
States weigh charging by the mile as fuel taxes plummet - - state Virginia - state Oregon - state Hawaii - state Utah - state Colorado
States weigh charging by the mile as fuel taxes plummet
Gas taxes have been used for more than a century for the purpose.The problem that has developed is those taxes are generating less each year due to inflation, fuel efficiency and the rise of electric cars. States are experimenting with various ideas that could eventually replace those taxes.One proposal that seems to be gaining in popularity would be to charge drivers by the mile instead of the gallon. Other ideas that have been presented include taxing electricity from public vehicle charging stations.Another is to tack charges onto door-to-door package deliveries. States are now weighing whether to start making the programs mandatory.In 2015, Oregon began a pilot program charging motorists by the distance their vehicle travels rather than the gas it guzzles.To participate, drivers plug a device into their vehicle and create an account to capture mileage data.The federal government is about to pilot its own program, funded by $125 million from President Biden's infrastructure measure that he signed in November 2021.So far, only three states, Oregon, Utah and Virginia are generating revenue from road usage charges.Hawaii will join them next.Last year, Colorado began adding a 27-cent tax to home deliveries from Amazon and other online retailers to help fund transportation projects.Other states have been testing electronic toll systems.Electric car sales in the U.S. rose from just 0.1% of total car sales in 2011 to 4.6% in 2021, according to the U.S.