Sajith Premadasa: Latest News

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Sajith Premadasa - Prasanna Ranatunga - Opposition groups meet diplomats in Colombo to discuss current state of affairs - - Japan - Usa - India - Sri Lanka - Italy - Britain - France - Australia - Canada - Eu - New Zealand - Netherlands
Opposition groups meet diplomats in Colombo to discuss current state of affairs
COLOMBO (News 1st); Several leaders of opposition political parties in Sri Lanka led by Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa met with Ambassadors and Delegates representing 12 countries in Colombo on Wednesday (22) evening.According to reports, the objective of the meeting was to discuss the current state of affairs in Sri Lanka.The discussion was mainly focused on Sri Lanka's Democracy, Constitution, and the Local Government Election.The Opposition Leader had requested the foreign missions to extend support to Sri Lanka Internationally.The foreign diplomats who attended the meeting, according to the office of the opposition leader, were:– Sarah Hulton, High Commissioner, High Commission of the United Kingdom in Sri Lanka– Denis Chaibi, Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union in Sri Lanka– Michael Appleton, High Commissioner, New Zealand High Commission in Sri Lanka– Julie J Chung, Ambassador, Embassy of the United States of America in Sri Lanka– Anouk Baron, Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sri Lanka– Dr Francesco Perale, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Italy in Sri Lanka  – Vinod Jacob, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of the Republic of India in Sri Lanka– Katsuki Kotaro, Minister/Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka– Lalita Kapur, Deputy High Commissioner, Australian High Commission in Sri Lanka– Aurélien MAILLET, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of France in Sri Lanka– Daniel Blood, Counsellor (Political), High Commission of Canada in Sri Lanka– Ozaki Takeshi, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka.However, in Parliament on Thursday (23), Government Minister Prasanna Ranatunga alleged that the opposition had met with the foreign diplomats to
Sajith Premadasa - Shehan Semasinghe - Supreme Court Interim Order on LG Election becomes a privilege issue? -
Supreme Court Interim Order on LG Election becomes a privilege issue?
COLOMBO (News 1st); State Minister Shehan Semasinghe raising a privilege issue in parliament on Friday (10) noted that it is a serious offense to proceed with the Interim Order given by the Supreme Court on 3rd March, when the matter is already produced to the Committee on Parliamentary Ethics and Privileges.He requested the Deputy Speaker to advise relevant authorities not to proceed further or take any action on the interim order with regard to the Local Government election until the Committee on Parliamentary Ethics and Privileges concludes its hearing on the privilege issue raised by MP Premanath C Dollewatte.MP Premnath C. Dolawatte told Parliament on 7th of March that the powers and privileges of Parliament have been violated by the Interim Order issued by several judges of the Supreme Court on March 3rd, 2023.On March 3rd, the Supreme Court, considering Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) General Secretary Ranjith Madduma Bandara’s petition, issued an Interim Order to the Finance Ministry Secretary and the Attorney General preventing them from withholding the funds allocated for elections in Budget 2023.Dolawatte claimed the said Interim Order can be viewed “as clear breach of privileges and powers of Parliament.”MPs from the opposition led by Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa on Friday (10) met with the Deputy Speaker to discuss the privilege issues raised by State Minister Shehan Semasinghe, and MP Premnath C.
Sajith Premadasa - Ranil Wickremesinghe - Dinesh Gunawardena - Sri Lanka’s President and PM issues statements to mark the 75th Independence Day - - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s President and PM issues statements to mark the 75th Independence Day
Sri Lanka's President and Prime Minister issued statements to mark the 75th Independence Day.In his message, President Ranil Wickremesinghe says there is a new economic and social reform agenda before the country with the objectives focusing first on recovery and then on renewed development. The Head of State stated it is imperative for us to unite in its implementation so that we can emerge with a high level of economic prosperity. He pledged to make the extremely difficult though vital decisions to achieve this goal with courage and determination. Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena in his message to mark the 75th Independence Day said "today, we not only celebrate our freedom, but also pay tribute to the ones who fought for it, to the ones who held a vision for our country, and to the ones who sacrificed themselves for the same." The Premier says the bravery, heroic acts as well as untold miseries suffered by our forefathers during their struggle for freedom of the Motherland must not be allowed to fade away from our memories.The Prime Minister adds the government has taken a series of measures to ensure recovery of the economy, and increase agricultural production to attain self-sufficiency and food security. Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa also issued a statement to mark the 75th Independence Day. He stated "despite the fact that Sri Lanka has been independent for 75 years, we have failed to make that independence meaningful on national, social, educational, and religious levels."The Opposition Leader stated being trapped in "narrow chauvinism and communalism" is not the way to experience true freedom.
Sajith Premadasa - Opposition Leader concerned over timing of Election Expenditure Bill - - Sri Lanka
Opposition Leader concerned over timing of Election Expenditure Bill
COLOMBO (News 1st) – Sri Lanka's Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa said that a conspiracy is afoot to underminde the people's mandate by implementing various regulations.He told Parliament on Wednesday (18) that he would not allow for the upcoming Local Government Election to be delayed via such conspiracies.The Opposition Leader said that the Election Expenditure Bill is a vital piece of legislation, however, the timing of the legislation is cause for concern.The Ministerial Consultative Committee on Justice, Prisons Affairs and Constitutional Reforms on Tuesday (17) decided to postpone the second reading debate of the Regulation of Election Expenditure Bill by one months’ time.However, Special Party Leaders meeting will has been called for on Wednesday (18) afternoon with the President and Prime Minister in attendance to discuss the Election Expenditure Bill, said the Speaker.The Opposition Leader speaking in Parliament expressed that trying to discuss the Bill while the nomination and bond acceptance process is taking place, creates a state of confusion and concern."If this bill is passed tomorrow, it will become an obstacle for the election that is expected to take place in March 2023," warned Premadasa.He said the Election Expenditure Bill contains a section where candidates are expected to produce a comprehensive report on their campaign expenses, donations, funds, etc.While noting that such articles are of paramount importance, he said failure to produce such a report will be termed as an offense, and when that happens petitions can be filed against the candidate.The Opposition Leader noted that if this Bill is passed ahead of the Local Government Election, it would also apply to the 2023 Local Government
Sajith Premadasa - Diana Gamage - Diana Gamage challenges party membership of Sajith Premadasa, Ranjith Madduma Bandara -
Diana Gamage challenges party membership of Sajith Premadasa, Ranjith Madduma Bandara
COLOMBO (News 1st) – State Minister Diana Gamage had filed a petition claiming that Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and Ranjith Madduma Bandara holding membership and positions of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya is against the constitution of the party.Accordingly, both Sajith Premadasa and Ranjith Madduma Bandara were ordered by a Colombo District Court to appear in court on the 25th of January 2023.State Minister Diana Gamage had filed the petition via President's Counsel Uditha Igalahewa with the Colombo District Court and noted that Sajith Premadasa and Ranjith Madduma Bandara continue to remain as members of the United National Party.As evidence, Diana Gamage had produced an affidavit from the General Secretary of the United National Party, and a judicial process that Ranjith Madduma Bandara had taken to challenge disciplinary action by the UNP, as evidence material in her petition.She says that article 3 (3) of chapter 3 of the SJB constitution notes that if a party member holds membership of another party, he or she will lose the membership of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya.She requests the court to deliver a ruling that both Sajith Premadasa, and Ranjith Madduma Bandara holding membership of the SJB, and holding the posts of Leader and General Secretary of the SJB, are illegal.Diana Gamage has also requested an order suspending those from holding the said positions under the examination of the petition is complete.
Gotabaya Rajapaksa - Sajith Premadasa - Ranil Wickremesinghe - I did not apply for the post of Prime Minister, Sajith responds to President - - Sri Lanka
I did not apply for the post of Prime Minister, Sajith responds to President
COLOMBO (News 1st) – Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa told Parliament on Friday (24) that he did not apply for the post of Prime Minister, during the tenure of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.Sajith Premadasa said that the Former President repeatedly requested him to accept the post of Prime Minister, and four conditions were put forward to Rajapaksa for the establishment of an interim short-term government.• President must resign from his position during a stipulated minimum period of time;• Implement and enact the 19th constitutional amendment within a period of two weeks, with the support of all political parties;• Implement the provisions in the Constitution within a minimum time period to abolish the executive presidency; and• Call for a parliamentary election to allow the public to form a permanent government after implementing the constitutional amendments and rebuilding the community life and ensuring the rule of law.Sajith Premadasa said he wrote to then-President Rajapaksa citing these four conditions to accept the post of Prime Minister, and did not request or apply for the post of Prime Minister.Sajith Premadasa was responding to a comment made by President Ranil Wickremesinghe in Parliament on Thursday (24).'Our Opposition Leader also said today that I asked for this presidency. I didn't ask for this.
Sajith Premadasa - Chief Justice - Dinesh Gunawardena - Yapa Abeywardena - Siripala De-Silva - Applications called for civil society members for the Constitutional Council -
Applications called for civil society members for the Constitutional Council
COLOMBO (News 1st) – Applications have been called for qualified persons regarding the appointment of civil society members for the Constitutional Council established under the 21st Amendment.Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena stated that the relevant applications should be forwarded to the Parliament before 28th November.Accordingly, those who are not members of any political party who are considered acclaimed personalities in the spheres of their public or professional lives and have functioned with excellence and honesty can apply for the position.A discussion was held at the Parliament Complex under the Chairmanship of the Speaker last week to discuss the establishment of the Constitutional Council.It was held with the participation of Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva who was appointed as the President's representative.The Constituent Assembly consists of 10 members, including the Speaker, the Prime Minister, the Opposition Leader, a member appointed by the President, a member representing the party representing the Prime Minister, a member of the party representing the Leader of the Opposition, a member of another political party representing Parliament and 3 civil society representatives.According to the 21st amendment, the Supreme Court judges headed by the Chief Justice, the President and judges of the Court of Appeal, the Attorney General, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Auditor General, the Inspector General of Police, the Secretary General of the Parliament, the Ombudsman of Parliamentary Affairs as well as the chairpersons and members for independent commissions should be appointed subject to the
Sajith Premadasa - It is time to abolish Executive Presidency: Sajith - - Sri Lanka
It is time to abolish Executive Presidency: Sajith
COLOMBO (News 1st); It is time to abolish the Executive Presidency, says the Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa. Making a statement at the Parliament today (05), the Opposition Leader said that although many are calling for the abolishment of the 20th amendment, however time has arrived to amend the Executive Presidency.He further stated that although the Executive Presidency may be abolished, an Executive Prime Minister who is able to do things according to his wishes is also unnecessary. Emphasizing that there should be a checks and balances system, the Opposition Leader said that a large amount of executive power should not be centralized on any person. Citing an incident which took place at the Parliament mere moments earlier, the Opposition Leader stated that with such acts, Premadasa said that such methods of bribery were used to gain allegiance with the 20th Amendment at Parliament. Therefore, he added, the entire Government, starting from the President, must resign.Proposal to abolish Executive Presidency must be brought to Parliament this week.Will not accept any ministerial position, and power will ONLY be obtained with the blessings of the people.– #Opposition Leader #Sajith Premadasa#lka #SriLanka #SLnews #News1st #Parliament— Sri Lanka (@NewsfirstSL) April 5, 2022There should be no voice in Parliament, apart from the voice heard from the streets.The people want a change in government, the Parliament must understand it.– #Opposition Leader #Sajith Premadasa#lka #SriLanka #SLnews #News1st #Parliament— Sri Lanka (@NewsfirstSL) April 5, 2022
Gotabaya Rajapaksa - Mahinda Rajapaksa - Sajith Premadasa - ‘Go Home or Call for Presidential Election’ ; Sajith’s message to Govt - - Sri Lanka
‘Go Home or Call for Presidential Election’ ; Sajith’s message to Govt
COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa leading a protest opposite the President’s Office in Colombo on Tuesday (15) said that the government that promised relief, has only brought about the burden to the people.Sajith Premadasa was clear in his message to the government “Go home or allow the people to decide at a Presidential Election.”“The government led by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa must leave if they cannot do what they were elected to do, and let us carry on with governance,” he told the protestors.“We cannot bear this suffering anymore,” Premadasa told a gathering of thousands of protestors in Colombo, adding that the Rajapaksa Government, the Rajapaksa Family are responsible for the suffering and the time is now to send them home.“We are here to tell the government that ruined this country, to go home,” he said.Heavy security was experienced around the President’s Office when the protest was taking place, with protestors also making attempts to break through the police cordon to make their way into the premises.He said the Samagi Jana Balavegaya led government will bring back the Sri Lankan identity that was lost as a result of the actions of the present government.Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa told the protestors that it is time to be prepared to save the country from the brink of destruction.“Thousands have come here with no fear of bullets, tear gas, bombs, water cannons, and even baton charges,” he said in a message aimed at the government.Commenting on the fuel crisis, Premadasa said that three middle-eastern governments have promised to supply fuel for two years with no up-front payment to a Samagi Jana Balavegaya led government.He said