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Canadian-owned company accused of supplying Syria’s chemical weapons program - - China - Iran - Canada - Eu - Russia - city Vancouver - Bulgaria - Syria - city Beirut - city Miami - city Damascus
Canadian-owned company accused of supplying Syria’s chemical weapons program
chemical weapons program.Working from Damascus and Beirut, the company is accused of importing materials used to produce “chemical weapons delivery systems.”According to the allegations, the firm purchases metals and alloys from foreign suppliers for the branch of Syria’s chemical warfare department that manufactures missiles.It also allegedly attempted to procure the aeronautical-grade aluminum and steel that goes into Fateh-110s, Iranian ballistic missiles used by the Syrian regime and that Russia reportedly wants.The allegations have landed the company and its owners, Chadi and Mohammad Houranieh, on European sanctions lists.Their shipments have been seized in three countries, their assets have been frozen, and they are banned from travelling to Europe.The Houraniehs are the only Canadian citizens sanctioned by the European Union, aside from a Hezbollah bomber from Vancouver who blew up a bus in Bulgaria.But in interviews with Global News, Chadi Houranieh called the allegations “absurd.”While he once did business with Syria, he said it was unrelated to weapons.“I have nothing to do with any chemical program.”Houranieh, 44, grew up in Mississauga, in a house near the Sheridan Mall. He went to Toronto Blue Jays games at what was then called SkyDome.“I personally love it,” he said of Canada.He wanted to stay, but after studying at the University of Miami, he returned to Damascus to help with the family business.Founded in 1949, Houranieh & Sons imports sheeting, piping and other metal products it purchases from Canada, Europe and China.
Chrystia Freeland - In Budget 2023, Liberals eye inflation relief ‘without having to write a big cheque’ - - Canada - Eu - county Canadian
In Budget 2023, Liberals eye inflation relief ‘without having to write a big cheque’
2023 federal budget sees the Liberal government shift its tact amid an uncertainty economy and Canadians in need of inflation relief, looking to save money in the near term with cost-free measures that flex its influence on areas where it can make a tangible impact.Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland unveiled the second budget of the Liberals’ current minority mandate on Tuesday and put the focus on both reining in spending while supporting Canadians who have been hit hard by high inflation and rising interest rates.“Our most vulnerable friends and neighbours are still feeling the bite of higher prices,” she said in a speech to Parliament on Tuesday afternoon, according to her prepared remarks.“And that is why our budget delivers targeted inflation relief to those who need it most.”The biggest line item on the affordability front is $2.5 billion in spending for a so-called “grocery rebate” aimed at lower-income households, as reported by Global News and others ahead of Tuesday’s budget release.The one-time rebate is expected to deliver $467 directly to a family of four, $234 to a single Canadian without kids and $225 to the average senior.An estimated 11 million Canadian households are expected to receive the boost via the GST tax credit mechanism, and it does not have to be spent on groceries.Other measures announced in the 2023 budget without costs attached are a plan to crackdown on so-called “junk fees” attached to concert tickets or baggage costs, for example, as well as plans to move towards an automatic tax filing system to ensure low-income Canadians take advantage of already available rebates.The federal government also announced plans in the budget to follow in the European Union’s footsteps towards a universal
Sajith Premadasa - Prasanna Ranatunga - Opposition groups meet diplomats in Colombo to discuss current state of affairs - - Japan - Usa - India - Sri Lanka - Italy - Britain - France - Australia - Canada - Eu - New Zealand - Netherlands
Opposition groups meet diplomats in Colombo to discuss current state of affairs
COLOMBO (News 1st); Several leaders of opposition political parties in Sri Lanka led by Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa met with Ambassadors and Delegates representing 12 countries in Colombo on Wednesday (22) evening.According to reports, the objective of the meeting was to discuss the current state of affairs in Sri Lanka.The discussion was mainly focused on Sri Lanka's Democracy, Constitution, and the Local Government Election.The Opposition Leader had requested the foreign missions to extend support to Sri Lanka Internationally.The foreign diplomats who attended the meeting, according to the office of the opposition leader, were:– Sarah Hulton, High Commissioner, High Commission of the United Kingdom in Sri Lanka– Denis Chaibi, Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union in Sri Lanka– Michael Appleton, High Commissioner, New Zealand High Commission in Sri Lanka– Julie J Chung, Ambassador, Embassy of the United States of America in Sri Lanka– Anouk Baron, Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sri Lanka– Dr Francesco Perale, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Italy in Sri Lanka  – Vinod Jacob, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of the Republic of India in Sri Lanka– Katsuki Kotaro, Minister/Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka– Lalita Kapur, Deputy High Commissioner, Australian High Commission in Sri Lanka– Aurélien MAILLET, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of France in Sri Lanka– Daniel Blood, Counsellor (Political), High Commission of Canada in Sri Lanka– Ozaki Takeshi, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka.However, in Parliament on Thursday (23), Government Minister Prasanna Ranatunga alleged that the opposition had met with the foreign diplomats to
Giorgia Meloni - Migrant boat crashes off coast of Italy, killing at least 43 people - - Italy - Eu - county Cross
Migrant boat crashes off coast of Italy, killing at least 43 people
southern Italy at dawn Sunday, the Italian Coast Guard said."As of now, 80 persons were recovered alive — some of whom succeeded in reaching the shore after the shipwreck — and 43 bodies were found along the shore," the Coast Guard statement said shortly before noon.Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni said that the migrants were crowded into a 20-meter (66-foot) -long boat in "adverse weather conditions." In a statement released by her office, she expressed "her deep sorrow for the many human lives torn away by human traffickers.""It's inhumane to exchange the live of men, women and children for the ‘price’ of a ticket paid by them in the false prospect for a safe voyage," said Meloni, a far-right-wing leader whose governing allies includes the anti-migrant League party.She vowed to use her leadership to press for crackdowns on departures arranged by human smugglers and to press fellow European Union leaders to help Italy in her quest.A chunk of the boat, along with piles of splintered wood, littered the beach at Steccato di Cutro, part of Calabria's coastline along the Ionian sea. Some of the survivors tried to keep warm, wrapped in what appeared to be colorful blankets or sheets.Credit: Italian Red Cross via Storyful A helicopter and motorboats were deployed in search efforts, including vessels from state firefighters, border police and the coast guard.A Coast Guard motorboat rescued two men suffering from hypothermia and recovered the body of a boy in the rough seas, it said in a statement.
Sri Lankans - UN ramps up urgent humanitarian appeal for Sri Lankans - - Thailand - Japan - Usa - Sri Lanka - Switzerland - Italy - Germany - Britain - France - Australia - Canada - Eu - county Day - New Zealand - Denmark - Norway - Sweden - state Georgia
UN ramps up urgent humanitarian appeal for Sri Lankans
COLOMBO (News 1st) – The United Nations (UN) team in Sri Lanka and non-governmental organisations revised and extended their joint Humanitarian Needs and Priorities (HNP) Plan, which aims to provide life-saving assistance to 3.4 million people amid Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis since independence.Since June, the HNP has been responding to the Government's request for UN-backed multi-sector support for Sri Lanka's debt and food and medicine shortages."Governments and donor agencies have helped the humanitarian community reach over 1 million of the country's most vulnerable people with cash, food, school meals, medicine, protection, and livelihood support," said the UN in a statement.The HNP—aligned with appeals from other UN agencies—has raised US $79 million for Sri Lanka thanks to landmark support from the U.S and USAID, Australia, Japan including JICA, the UN Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF), as well as Canada, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, Italy, EU, Switzerland, France, and with additional support from the UK, Germany, Thailand, Sweden, Georgia, Latter Day Saint Charities and private individuals and organizations."We are immensely appreciative of the solidarity the international community has shown with the people of Sri Lanka, including through their generous contributions to the HNP.
UK MPs want conditions on aid given to Sri Lanka - - Sri Lanka - Britain - Eu
UK MPs want conditions on aid given to Sri Lanka
COLOMBO (News 1st) – A Backbench Business Committee debate on the UK response to the human rights and economic situation in Sri Lanka took place on Wednesday (9) in the House of Commons chamber.UK MPs called for Sri Lanka to cut down on its military spending to overcome the economic crisis.UK MP Elliot Colburn noted that for Sri Lanka to be rescued, it needs to reduce its military spending, which stands at $1.86 billion per annum. "All of Sri Lanka’s projections for emerging out of the economic crisis are predicated on the country retaining its generalised scheme of preferences and trade concession. That annual trade concession is worth more than $500 million and has boosted Sri Lanka’s exports to EU member states over the years," said the MP adding that however, Sri Lanka has failed to meet the key labour and human rights requirements for receiving that preferential treatment, and the EU recently issued a warning that it is set to lose its concession if it continues to ignore its obligations. "As a key stakeholder at the IMF, the UK Government should propose conditions on any IMF financial assistance for Sri Lanka during the current economic crisis, including that Sri Lanka should carry out a strategic defence and security review to reduce its military spending, remove the military from engaging in commercial activities, meet the criteria for GSP+, and re-engage with the UNHRC process.
People in need of life-saving assistance hits 3.4 Mn in Sri Lanka - - Thailand - Japan - Usa - Sri Lanka - Switzerland - Italy - Germany - Britain - France - Australia - Canada - Eu - county Day - New Zealand - Denmark - Norway - Sweden - state Georgia
People in need of life-saving assistance hits 3.4 Mn in Sri Lanka
COLOMBO (News 1st) – The United Nations (UN) team in Sri Lanka and non-governmental organisations have today revised and extended their joint Humanitarian Needs and Priorities (HNP) Plan, which aims to provide life-saving assistance to 3.4 million people amid Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis since independence.Since June, the HNP has been responding to the Government's request for UN-backed multi-sector support for Sri Lanka's debt and food and medicine shortages. Governments and donor agencies have helped the humanitarian community reach over 1 million of the country's most vulnerable people with cash, food, school meals, medicine, protection, and livelihood support. The HNP aligned with appeals from other UN agencies has raised US $79 million for Sri Lanka thanks to landmark support from the U.S and USAID, Australia, and Japan including JICA, the UN Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF), as well as Canada, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, Italy, EU, Switzerland, France, and with additional support from the UK, Germany, Thailand, Sweden, Georgia, Latter Day Saint Charities and private individuals and organizations including Brandix Apparels Ltd, Hemas Holdings PLC, Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC, Daraz (Alibaba Group), Amana Bank PLC and the Citi Foundation. The HNP's revision extends the plan through 2022 and requires US $70 million in additional funds to reach a total of US $149.7 million."We are immensely appreciative of the solidarity the international community has shown with the people of Sri Lanka, including through their generous contributions to the HNP.
Female-headed homes hard hit by acute food insecurity in Sri Lanka - - Usa - Sri Lanka - Britain - Eu
Female-headed homes hard hit by acute food insecurity in Sri Lanka
COLOMBO (News 1st) – Asia’s highest inflation rates and ongoing fuel scarcity continue to threaten food security in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka continues to experience an unprecedented economic crisis with high inflation, rising commodity prices, power shortages and scarcity of fuel.The World Food Program said that Asia’s highest inflation rates and ongoing fuel scarcity continue to threaten food security in Sri Lanka. According to the World Food Programme (WFP), an estimated 6.2 million people in Sri Lanka are facing moderate to severe acute food insecurity, with one in every four households applying negative coping strategies such as reducing the number of meals per day, reducing expenses on other essential things such as healthcare or withdrawing children from school. Female-headed households are seen to be particularly hard it, as are the urban poor and people working in the estate-sector.The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that given the deteriorating food security and nutrition situation in Sri Lanka and the strong likelihood that the upcoming Maha season will not produce sufficient yields, several countries have pledged further assistance, especially towards improving food security and the critical inputs for the agriculture sector. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced an additional US$20 million in humanitarian assistance, bringing USAID’s total assistance to nearly US$92 million since June of this year. The United Kingdom pledged £3 million in lifesaving support going mostly toward food security and supporting farmers, while the EU released €1.5 million in humanitarian aid which will mainly be utilized for multipurpose cash assistance.The final