Ali Sabry: Latest News

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Marie Trevelyan - Ali Sabry - James Cleverly - Another four countries give assurances to IMF on Sri Lanka - - Sri Lanka - Kuwait - Britain - Pakistan - Scotland - city London - Hungary - Saudi Arabia
Another four countries give assurances to IMF on Sri Lanka
COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lanka's Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, PC said that four more countries have stepped forward to provide debt restructuring assurances to the International Monetary Fund.He tweeted that Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Hungary, and Kuwait have given debt restructuring assurances to IMF. The Foreign Minister is in the UK to attend the Commonwealth Day celebrations.Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Sabry will participate in the 22nd Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting (CFAMM) at the Commonwealth Headquarters, Marlborough House, London on 15 March 2023. This year’s CFAMM will engage the Foreign Ministers in discussing joint responses to shared challenges such as the need to build resilience for peaceful and sustainable societies, climate financing for environmental sustainability and leveraging intra -commonwealth trade and digital connectivity for economic recovery, food, and energy security.On the sidelines of these events, Minister Sabry will have a call on the Rt Hon James Cleverly, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth Development Affairs (FCDO), bilateral meetings with Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Ann Marie Trevelyan, Minister of State for Indo – Pacific FCDO and Lord Mervyn Davies of Abersoch, Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy for Sri Lanka. The Foreign Minister will also participate in an afternoon tea hosted by Rt Hon Lord Naseby at the House of Commons and deliver remarks on Sri Lanka’s relations with the UK to a cross section of British Parliamentarians organized by the Sri Lanka High Commission in London together with Sri Lanka Tea Board.
Ali Sabry - Sri Lanka hopes for stronger relations with Saudi Arabia - - Sri Lanka - Saudi Arabia - city Colombo
Sri Lanka hopes for stronger relations with Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka was expecting its long-standing ties with Saudi Arabia to grow stronger, Foreign Minister Ali Sabry said on Monday, after meeting with a delegation from the Saudi Fund for Development.Sabry hosted the Saudi delegation led by Mohammed Almasoud, the SFD’s director of central and west Asia operations, in the capital Colombo and said Sri Lanka was grateful for the fund’s “continuous assistance despite challenges” as well its support on an extension of an International Monetary Fund loan.“The longstanding Sri Lanka-Saudi bilateral relationship will grow from strength to strength,” Sabry said in a tweet.The minister visited the Kingdom last month, discussing with his Saudi counterpart Prince Faisal bin Farhan ways to boost economic and energy cooperation between the two countries.Sabry had then presented Sri Lanka as a gateway to not only south Asia but the rest of the continent – an “ideal place” to do business. His trip followed a series of high-level engagements by Sri Lankan officials with the Kingdom last year.During Monday’s meeting, the Saudi government pledged to continue providing financial assistance for projects in Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan lawmaker Mohamed Shariff Thowfeek said after taking part in the talks.“This was a great gesture from the Saudi government at a time when some countries have stopped their aid in the midst of the economic crisis,” Thowfeek told Arab News.The SFD has given at least 15 development loans worth $425 million to Sri Lanka, which have financed various projects in water, energy, health, roads, and education.
Sri Lankans - Ali Sabry - Sri Lanka ready to support Search and Rescue in Turkiye - - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka ready to support Search and Rescue in Turkiye
COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, PC said that the country is ready to deploy a contingent of 300 military personnel for relief efforts in Turkiye.The contingent will include personnel from the Sri Lanka Engineers Corps and the Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps.Minister Ali Sabry said that on the instructions of the President he contacted the Foreign Minister of Turkiye and offered assistance for search & rescue"We recall when the Tsunami struck us in 2004,Türkiye provided immediate humanitarian assistance & built a housing complex for those who lost their houses," tweeted the Minister.The Sri Lankan Embassy in Turkiye said that it has not been able to access information with regard to the Sri Lankan woman who was reported missing following the devastating earthquakes.A Senior Officer attached to the mission said that the mobile device of the Sri Lankan woman was traced.The Officer also noted that earlier it was reported that the building in which was living had collapsed, however, reports later suggested that she had vacated the premises before the earthquakes.Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, PC said that a contingent of 300 military personnel are ready to be deployed to Turkiye, as soon as a request for help is made.The contingent will include Sri Lanka Army Engineers and personnel from the Medical Corps.On Monday (6)  Foreign Minister Ali Sabry said 9 Sri Lankans were residing in the region. 8 people have been contacted.
Ali Sabry - Bangladesh wants to boost trade with Sri Lanka - - India - Sri Lanka - Bangladesh - Burma
Bangladesh wants to boost trade with Sri Lanka
COLOMBO (News 1st) – Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dr A K Abdul Momen has underscored the need for setting up direct shipping connectivity with Sri Lanka to boost trade relations between Bangladesh and the South Asian nation.He also emphasised the resumption of negotiations for the early conclusion of the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) between the two countries.Bangladesh's foreign minister put the importance while holding a meeting with his visiting Sri Lankan counterpart Ali Sabry on Wednesday on the eve of the 22nd ministerial meeting of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in the capital, a foreign ministry press release said on Thursday.During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the wide spectrum of bilateral relations and expressed hope to work closely together for the betterment of the two peoples and inclusive development of the region.Momen urged Sri Lanka to increase the import of agricultural products and pharmaceuticals from Bangladesh at an affordable price.Sri Lankan foreign minister said that his country is keen to work in close partnership with Bangladesh.The two leaders agreed to expedite the completion of the formalities to form an institutional platform to hold regular and comprehensive dialogues between the two countries at the level of foreign minister.The issue of mutual support for each other's candidature at various international fora was also discussed with due importance.Momen also sought support from Sri Lanka in repatriating the forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals sustainably.
Ali Sabry - Sri Lanka a major trading hub in Indian Ocean – Sabry - - India - Sri Lanka - Bangladesh - county Ocean
Sri Lanka a major trading hub in Indian Ocean – Sabry
COLOMBO (News 1st) – Sri Lankan Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Sabry told the Indian Ocean Rim Association session in Bangladesh on Thursday (24) that Sri Lanka is poised and is well positioned to be one of the major trading hubs of the Indian Ocean, addign that the country has demonstrated manifestly significant openness to trade and commerce.He emphasised the significance and necessity of actively engaging with the countries of the Indian Ocean Rim to mutually advance the economic and commercial interests of Sri Lanka as well as to maintain peace and stability in the region of Indian Ocean. He further stressed that Sri Lanka’s commitment to the matters that concern the Indian Ocean region remains one of the key cornerstones of the current economic and foreign policy of Sri Lanka. Minister highlighted that Sri Lanka is strategically positioned at the centre of one of the busiest sea lanes of the world, adding that Sri Lanka’s traditional and ancient links with the countries of the IORM go back many centuries and empirical evidence reveals that Sri Lanka’s geographical centrality markedly facilitated and aided maritime commerce and trade over the centuries.Given its progression as an Indian Ocean Hub, Sri Lanka has emerged as one of the most pivotal shipping lanes since two-thirds of the petroleum products and half of the container shipments of the world criss-cross close to the Southern coast of the Island.The Minister apprised the member states at the Council of Ministers of the IORA concerning Sri Lanka’s efforts in sustainable and efficacious usage of maritime resources and immense ocean pollution challenges as well as projects and programs implemented to safeguard the coastal belt and the Indian Ocean. This is to
Basil Rajapaksa - Ali Sabry - Charitha hits back: First culprit of Economic Crisis was Cabinet including Minister Sabry -
Charitha hits back: First culprit of Economic Crisis was Cabinet including Minister Sabry
COLOMBO (News 1st) – The former Chairman of the COPE Prof. Charitha Herath today hit back at the former Minister of Justice and the current Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Sabry against his remarks that the Cabinet of Ministers was clueless with regard to the economic crisis. Taking to twitter, the former COPE Chair released a document which included a Notice to the Cabinet by the former Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa with regard to the country's foreign currency outflows and the distribution of responsibility on foreign currency inflow. The annexure attached to the document, which included the expected outflows and inflows during 2022, underlined the debt servicing payments, maturing sovereign bonds and expenses with regard to goods imports. Minister Ali Sabry on Friday (14) said that the Cabinet of Ministers "thought everything was ok" and failed to recognise the depth of the economic crisis, and were more invested in their own subjects and portfolios. The former COPE Chairman shared the documents and pointed out that such is evidence that the financial issue was discussed at the Cabinet though no solution was found. "True, first culprit of this disaster is the Cabinet of which Ali Sabry was a part." he tweeted. The incident also sparked more discourse, with several notable figures commenting on the matter, with some pointing out that a his resignation is the alternative to this issue.
Wang Yi - Ali Sabry - Sri Lanka China agree to advance high-quality BRI - - New York - China - state Councilor - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka China agree to advance high-quality BRI
COLOMBO (News 1st) – State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York recently.Wang Yi expressed, China and Sri Lanka are each other's, strategic cooperative partners. The two countries have always shared weal and woe and sincerely helped each other. This year, which marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka and the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Rubber-Rice Pact, is of great significance for inheriting the past and ushering in the future. China is ready to work with Sri Lanka to carry forward the traditional friendship, consolidate strategic mutual trust and deepen and expand pragmatic cooperation. Congratulations to Sri Lanka on its initial results in stabilizing the situation and easing difficulties. China has provided medicines, rice, fuel, and other emergencies humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka, and will continue to offer assistance within our capacity to help Sri Lanka overcome temporary difficulties.Sabry said that the Sri Lanka-China friendship has a solid foundation. China has provided strong support for Sri Lanka's economic and social development for a long time. In particular, China has offered timely help to Sri Lanka when it encountered difficulties. Sri Lanka will never forget that.