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Asha Alahan - Nina Lucas - Coronation Street's Nina sparks health fears amongst fans as she holds Asha hostage - - Scotland
Coronation Street's Nina sparks health fears amongst fans as she holds Asha hostage
Nina Lucas has left Coronation Street viewers worried after it appears as though her anxiety has become much worst.On the latest episode of the long-running soap, Nina was clearly distressed when her girlfriend Asha Alahan was preparing to to take a day trip to Scotland for a university open day.Asha initially had reservations to leave her partner on her own however, after much encouragement she still decided to go.But Asha's plans were halted when Nina stole her phone and locked her in the cafe.Seeing the disturbing scenes unfold, viewers rushed to Twitter to share their thoughts.One fan penned: "Nina really does need professional help," followed by crying emojis.Another said: "Nina's gonna have a breakdown."A third upset viewer wrote: "Nina is really struggling. I hope Roy gets her some progressional help."Meanwhile a fourth added: "So, beaten up, dead boyfriend, now extreme anxiety… the writers must really hate Nina!"Though things seem to be going relatively smoothly for Nina and Asha's relationship, she is still clearly struggling with the death of her ex-boyfriend Seb Franklin and the terrible ordeal it caused her.Due to the unlawful attack that she received alongside Seb, Nina has been struggling mentally and emotionally This is a live TV story and is constantly being updated.Please refresh the page regularly to get the latest TV updates.