Karnataka chief minister said the state received GST compensation of ₹8,633 crore in the last six months. "With the Central government's revenue collection being good, the State's share from the Centre is also likely to increase, adding to that State's performance is also good.
Looking at the last six month's trend, we are likely to exceed the target," he added. Further speaking on the GST compensation, Bommai said ₹14,015 crore is pending, and ₹8,633 has already come.
Additionally, Karnataka has claimed ₹6,000 crore more and it is expected soon after the audit of the accounts by the Centre, the CM added. "Out of the GST we have to get, about ₹6,000 crore we had to get audited by the AG ( Accountant General) and send it, it is now with the CAG.
I have spoken to the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sithraman, she has said that once CAG approval is given, the money will be released immediately," he said.