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TikTok influencer dead after ignoring cancer sign - nypost.com - Australia - Romania
TikTok influencer dead after ignoring cancer sign
A makeup artist to celebrities and influencer on TikTok has died after she ignored what can be a sign of cancer.On Thursday, mourners in Anca Molnar’s home country of Romania lined the road and applauded as her coffin passed by.They held up pink and purple umbrellas and threw white petals on a red carpet, reported Romania’s Pro. TV.Molnar, 35, died of a brain tumor on Tuesday morning.Her husband Claudiu said his wife has given him and their son Patrick “the best years of our lives.”Before she died, Molnar uploaded a poignant post to social media saying she fought the disease “until the last drop of hope.”She had been known in the European country for her makeup artistry with local personalities and had built a loyal social media following.A close friend of Molnar said she had ignored a series of headaches, which can be a sign of the cancer.“She had been experiencing excruciating headaches more frequently.“Initially, she didn’t think much of them, because that’s how we are, but she found herself struggling to carry out her daily tasks consistently,” Alina Radi said.Molnar, from the city of Timisoara in Romania’s west, only went to see a doctor just over a year ago when the pain became severe, added Ms Radi.She was diagnosed with the disease but doctors in Romania said the cancer had progressed to a point where there was little they could do.According to Australia’s Cancer Council, headaches can be an early sign of brain cancer.
Kim Kardashian - Harry Jowsey reveals skin cancer diagnosis at age 26 — here’s what to know about the ‘scary’ disease - nypost.com - Usa
Harry Jowsey reveals skin cancer diagnosis at age 26 — here’s what to know about the ‘scary’ disease
a TikTok video Friday evening, urging his followers to “please wear sunscreen” as summer approaches.“I’m going to be all good, everything’s going to be ok,” the Australian-born “Too Hot To Handle” star assured viewers.“If you’re a freckly little frog like me, go get a mole map and get your body checked, because you never know,” he said, adding that he had the cancerous spot on his shoulder for “a year or two” and “had no idea.”He added: “Go get your skin checked, wear your sunscreen and a be a little bit more responsible because that’s what I’ve got to do now, and it’s very scary.”His stark warning comes after Kim Kardashian flaunted a tanning booth in her office and an influx of Gen Z beauty chasers flock to the sun beds claiming they’d rather “die hot than live ugly.”While Jowsey did not disclose what kind of skin cancer he was diagnosed with — or what it could have been from — most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet rays, which are emitted by the sun or in high concentrations inside tanning beds.According to the American Cancer Society, more than 100,600 people are expected to be diagnosed with melanoma, a type of skin cancer, in 2024, and 8,290 are estimated to succumb to the disease.While anyone is at risk of developing skin cancer, those with lighter complexions, skin that easily burns or freckles, people with a high number of moles, UV ray exposure, family or personal history of skin cancer and old age play a role.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that sun safety is key to reduce the risk of all skin cancers — melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma — recommending protective measures like staying in the shade and wearing long sleeves, hats, sunglasses and