American Idol: The Top 5 are revealed... as two contestants test positive for COVID-19
Two contestants on Sunday night's American Idol on ABC had COVID but were still voted on into the Top 5, Noah Thompson and Fritz Hager, while Jay Copeland and Christian Guardino were eliminated.Twenty-year-old construction worker Noah Thompson, from Louisa, Kentucky, was voted on despite the fact that he had to perform two of his songs quarantined in his hotel room.'I'm not going to wish you any bad luck but when you're sick, you're sounding a lot better,' judge Lionel Richie, 72, told Noah when he finished singing. 'You nailed it.' Eliminated:Two contestants on Sunday night's American Idol on ABC had COVID but were still voted on into the Top 5, Noah Thompson and Fritz Hager, while Jay Copeland and Christian Guardino were eliminated Noah:Twenty-year-old construction worker Noah Thompson, from Louisa, Kentucky, was voted on despite the fact that he had to perform two of his songs quarantined in his hotel room Nailed it:'I'm not going to wish you any bad luck but when you're sick, you're sounding a lot better,' judge Lionel Richie, 72, told Noah when he finished singing.