Pujith Jayasundara: Latest News

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Hemasiri Fernando - Pujith Jayasundara - Aditya Patabendige - Hemasiri and Pujith acquitted and released from Easter Attacks case - newsfirst.lk - Sri Lanka
Hemasiri and Pujith acquitted and released from Easter Attacks case
COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lanka’s Former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando and Former Inspector General of Police Pujith Jayasundara were released and acquitted by a Colombo court on Friday (18) from all charges in the Easter Sunday Attacks case.The cases were called up in the presence of Justices Namal Balalle, Aditya Patabendige, and Mohamed Irshadeen.The Attorney General filed the cases against Fernando and Jayasundara on charges of criminal dereliction of duty for failing to take action to prevent the Easter attacks despite receiving specific intelligence.A total of 855 charges of criminal negligence were leveled against Pujith Jayasundera and Hemasiri Fernando, individually.The Colombo Permanent High Court Trial-at-Bar ordered to acquit and release Ex-Police Chief Pujith Jayasundara and Ex-Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando from the cases, without calling for evidence from the defense, as the prosecution had failed to prove the charges filed against them.Justice Aditya Patabendige delivering the summary verdict in court noted that the evidence provided by Director of State Intelligence Nilantha Jayawardena made it clear that he had not carried out his duties in a proper manner, and acted to place that responsibility on someone else.Justice Aditya Patabendige went on to note that many devotees died under tragic circumstances in the Easter Sunday Terror Attacks that also left many injured, adding that it is not possible to proceed with a case against a person in absence of evidence on such a tragic event.Justice Aditya Patabendige also noted that one needs to be extra careful when leveling criminal charges against a person, and noted that the arrests of Jayasundara and Fernando on the said charges are also marred
Pujith Jayasundara - Joint effort could have prevented Easter Attacks – Deshabandu - newsfirst.lk - India - Sri Lanka
Joint effort could have prevented Easter Attacks – Deshabandu
COLOMBO (News 1st): Senior DIG in charge of the Western Province Deshabandu Thennakoon told a Sri Lankan Court that if all responsible agencies held joint discussions on the intelligence received and acted expeditiously, the 2019 Easter Attacks could have been prevented.The Senior Cop was testifying at the Colombo Permanent High Court Trial-at-Bar in the case filed against Former Police Chief Pujith Jayasundara.Ex-IGP Jayasundara is charged with neglecting his duties by failing to prevent the Easter Attacks among other charges.Deputy Solicitor General Dileepa Pieris led the evidence from the prosecution on Tuesday (18).Deshabandu Thennakoon told the court that the intel received by the Head of National Intelligence on the 9th of April 2019 from the State Intelligence Serves became yet another piece of intel that flowed from top to bottom of the chain of command.The witness told the court that even though the intel was on extremists targeting religious places and the Indian High Commission, there were no images or photographs of the wanted suspects, and therefore there was no opportunity for him or his junior officers to identify the perpetrators.However, the court questioned the witness if Sri Lanka Police is only capable of preventing an event if the definite time and date is mentioned or does Sri Lanka Police not possess the capability of preventing a possible event by looking into those claims.The Senior Police Officer responded that there was no definite information available on the matter.He also told the court that he was on leave from the 18th to the 21st of April 2019, and therefore he did not have time to follow up on the instructions given to junior officers.He added that there was no follow-up from Ex-IGP