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China bolting residents' doors shut as world's strictest Covid lockdown ramps up - - China - city Shanghai - province Hebei
China bolting residents' doors shut as world's strictest Covid lockdown ramps up
China has gone full pelt with its attempt to go Covid free as new video footage shows officials locking residents in their homes.And they're using huge padlocks and unbreakable cable to do it.Video footage posted on Chinese social media sites shows how residents who refuse to either stay inside or hand their keys over to officials are having wires drilled into their doors and padlocks used to stop them from leaving if they test positive.And another video shows one official drilling a hole in front of someone's door so that they can use metal bolts to stop them from getting out.According to independent Chinese news outlet Caixin Global, the measures are being taken in the northern Hebei province.Local sources have quoted the Qianan Pandemic Prevention and Control office as saying: “We are investigating and will modify the policy.“We are also looking into the possibility of installing alarms to replace current methods.”Up until May 4, China had a seven day average of 22,566 cases, with 14,731 positive cases just yesterday alone.Despite having 1 million cases since the pandemic started, the country has only suffered 5,141 deaths.The latest draconian measures came just a few weeks after we reported how workers in China's financial district in Shanghai were being forced to sleep in office for days.The stringent Covid policy came as positive cases escalated in the coastal city of Shanghai while local government vowed to keep the infectious separated in a two-stage lockdown.One of the measures is stop workers from returning home to avoid cross-infections.One worker, who works at a company in Shanghai Software Park, documented his horrendous life during the office lockdown and shared to viewers online.He received a notice that