Philadelphia councilmember introduces legislation banning ski masks citywide: 'Residents want a ban'
Surveillance images from various crimes show suspects wearing ski masks. A Philadelphia councilmember is now working to get the masks banned in the city. PHILADELPHIA - A Philadelphia Councilmember has introduced legislation banning ski masks throughout the city. Councilmember Anthony Phillips, who represents the 9th District, introduced the legislation on Thursday. According to officials, if it passes, the bill would prohibit people from wearing skis masks in schools, recreation centers, daycares, parks, city-owned buildings, or on any mode of transportation. If approved, breaking the ban would result in a $250 penalty. The bill would also impose a $2,000 fine for those wearing ski masks while committing a crime, officials say. Exceptions will be made for various circumstances, including wearing ski masks or balaclavas for traditional holiday costumes, religious holidays, employment, theatrical productions, or winter sports. "Neighbors consistently ask me when Council will ban ski masks and, while going out in the community to get feedback on this issue, the common thread was that residents want a ban," Phillips said.