Ranil Wickremesinghe: Latest News

All news where Ranil Wickremesinghe is mentioned

Ranil Wickremesinghe - Sri Lankan President presents IMF-program based revenue generation plan - newsfirst.lk - Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan President presents IMF-program based revenue generation plan
COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lanka's President Ranil Wickremesinghe told Parliament that the government will be introducing a serious of reforms after the IMF Executive Board granted approval for a bailout package of the country.Increasing Public Revenue:– Reduce the primary deficit to 2.3% of the GDP by 2025.– Increase the government’s revenue up to 15% of the GDP by 2026 through our measures.– Raised the standard corporate income tax rate to 30% without sectoral tax holidays.– PAYE tax rate was increased from 8% to 15%.– The measures required to reduce the existing tax exemptions on Value Added Tax (VAT) will come into effect by 2025. Further, necessary measures will be taken to remove the simplified VAT system and expedite its reimbursement.–  Steps have also been taken to introduce tax on awards / substitutes and to introduce Estate Duty as a property tax by 2025, while providing an appropriate tax exemption allowance at a minimum.–  Revamping the property tax system and introducing a wealth transfer tax – Introduce a gift and inheritance taxManaging Expenditure:– Increase the allocations provided to cover the expenses through proper management of expenditure.– Adjustments in certain salary scales and pension schemes as part of the impact of inflation within the primary deficit targets.State Enterprises and Energy Cost: – Fuel prices will be determined based on the 2018 Price Formula.
Ranil Wickremesinghe - IMF approves Sri Lanka’s bailout package under EFF; Sri Lanka can access up to $ 7 Bn - newsfirst.lk - China - Usa - India - Sri Lanka
IMF approves Sri Lanka’s bailout package under EFF; Sri Lanka can access up to $ 7 Bn
COLOMBO (News 1st); The IMF Executive Board approved Sri Lanka’s program under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) that will enable Sri Lanka to access up to $7 billion in funding, reported the President's Media Division.President Ranil Wickremesinghe has expressed his gratitude for the support of the IMF and other international partners, said the PMD.It added that the President committed to full transparency in all discussions with financial institutions & creditors, & to achieve sustainable levels of debt through prudent fiscal management & an ambitious reform agenda.The IMF program is critical to achieving this vision & will help to improve Sri Lanka's standing in international capital markets, making it an attractive country for investors, talent, & tourists, said the President's Media Division.Earlier this month, Sri Lanka received IMF-compatible financing assurances from its official creditors, including Paris Club members, India and China, allowing the IMF to convene an Executive Board and consider Sri Lanka’s request for a loan.The program is expected to provide much-needed policy space to drive the economy out of the unprecedented challenges and instill confidence amongst all the stakeholders.President Ranil Wickremesinghe welcomed the announcement:“In the 75 years of Sri Lanka’s independence, there has never been a more critical period for ou economic future. Our official creditors have declared their support following continuous and positive engagements over the last few months, and we are pleased that the IMF Executive Board approved our program, enabling Sri Lanka to access up to US$ 7 billion in funding from the IMF and IFIs.
Ranil Wickremesinghe - Temple Trees - Sri Lanka will be led to the path of success – President - newsfirst.lk - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka will be led to the path of success – President
PMD: President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that the Royal College cricket team’s effective captaincy ultimately led to the team’s victory at a time when all of the matches were being lost and that his effort is to lift the defeated country to the path of victory similar to what the captain of the Royal College cricket team did.The President recalled that when he assumed office last July, the country was experiencing numerous crises such as shortage of fuel, food, and fertilizer. He compared this to the Royal team, which had suffered a string of defeats, and claimed that many people believed the country would not be able to recover.However, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stressed that his team was able to change that situation and create economic stability in the country in the last seven months and emphasized that Sri Lanka is no longer a bankrupt state.President Ranil Wickremesinghe made this statement while addressing the 32nd Interact District Conference held at Temple Trees on Sunday morning (19).He said that everyone would be able to witness a developing country in the next two years, and to make Sri Lanka the most prosperous country in the region, it is necessary to build the economy in addition to stabilizing it today.The President added that the 25-year plan to make Sri Lanka a successful nation by 2048 has already been implemented and it can only be achieved with the commitment of the current youth.This conference was organized by St.
Ranil Wickremesinghe - Sri Lanka will not risk offering debt treatment outside IMF program – President - newsfirst.lk - China - Japan - India - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka will not risk offering debt treatment outside IMF program – President
COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has expressed gratitude to the Paris Club, Japan, India, and China for enabling cooperation required to reach an IMF facility for the country.In an open letter to Sri Lanka's Official Bilateral Creditors, President Wickremesinghe noted that the government deployed all efforts to demonstrate our commitment to the EFF program and relentlessly engage on the path to reforms. He said the administration has already implemented major reforms by way of prior actions agreed with the IMF.The President said his government introduced a robust  reform agenda aimed at achieving debt sustainability, strengthening governance, widening the social safety nets supporting the most vulnerable and ensuring we can grow an inclusive  economy attractive to international business. He said this is how Sri Lanka will improve the lives of its people and ensure they are first in line to benefit from improvements in our economic conditions.The President has requested creditors to maintain and even enlarge and strengthen official bilateral creditor coordination in the context of Sri Lanka's forthcoming engagement. He called on the Paris Club  bilateral partners, in particular Japan, together with all our other official bilateral partners,  including India and China, to garner and foster coordination as you best see fit.The Presidnet noted that Sri Lanka is committed to communicate transparently with all on any debt treatment terms that are agreed with any creditor or group of creditors, before being formalized. The President in his letter has also committed not to resume debt service to any creditor unless that creditor agrees on a comprehensive debt treatment in line with IMF-supported
Ranil Wickremesinghe - Nimal Punchihewa - Final decision on Local Government Election today (24) - newsfirst.lk - Sri Lanka
Final decision on Local Government Election today (24)
COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lanka's Election Commission will meet on Friday (23) to reach a final decision on the 2023 Local Government Election due to the lack of financing and support from state agencies.Earlier, the Election Commission decided to conduct the Local Government Election on the 9th of March 2023.However, the Government Printer had refused to deliver the ballot papers owing to a payment issues, and this led to the National Election Commission to postpone the postal voting process that was scheduled for this wekk.The Chairman of the National Election Attorney Nimal Punchihewa said the Local Government Election was called for legally as per the country's constitutions and the election law.He told News 1st on Thursday (23) that all members of the National Election Commission consented to the Local Government Election Process.He said that given that funds were not being provided to continue with the election process, the National Election Commission will meet on Friday (24) to reach a final decision on the Local Government Election 2023. The statement came from the Elections Chief after Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe told Parliament on Thursday (23) that the country's National Election Commission has not legally called for an election, and there are no funds to conduct an election.Commenting on the debate requested by the opposition on postponing the election, the President said there is no election for one to be postponed.The President said the proposed Parliament Select Committee must be appointed to inquire into the Election Commission and the Local Government Election.In the meantime, the petition filed by Retired Sri Lanka Army Colonel W. M.
Ranil Wickremesinghe - President wants Minipe Left Bank Project completed before Maha Season - newsfirst.lk - China - Sri Lanka
President wants Minipe Left Bank Project completed before Maha Season
President Ranil Wickremesinghe instructed the officials to speed up the Minipe Left Bank Canal Rehabilitation Project (MLBCRP), which has been delayed for over three years owing to various reasons, and to provide its benefits to the farmers before the next Maha Season.The President provided these instructions on Sunday (19) while joining an observation tour of the Minipe Anicut construction site.President Wickremesinghe, after inspecting the plan of the project, also inquired from the engineers about the operation of the project.The President also pointed out the possibility of obtaining the support of the students of engineering faculties in Sri Lanka for the future work of the project.The existing anicut is not sufficient to release water to the left and right bank canals when water is released twice a day from the Rantambe Hydro Power Plant during peak demand for electricity. Due to this, in order to provide more reliable and continuous water supply to Minipe agricultural lands, the Minipe Dam was raised by 3.5 meters and the renovation of the 74 kilometers-long main canal on the left bank of Minipe, was commenced.After the reconstruction of the Minipe Anicut, constant water supply to farmers will be ensured and the cultivation land on both sides of the left bank of Minipe could be cultivated without obstruction in the Yala-Maha Seasons while providing benefits to 15,000 farmer families.The cost of the project is Rs. 3,000 million and the construction work is carried out by China Gexhouba Group Company Limited (CGGC).Minipe Anicut, which was built in 1948, was last renovated in 1980.
Ranil Wickremesinghe - Nimal Punchihewa - Ballot Papers for Postal Voting delayed; NEC yet to decide on holding elections on designated date - newsfirst.lk
Ballot Papers for Postal Voting delayed; NEC yet to decide on holding elections on designated date
COLOMBO (News 1st); The National Election Commission has informed the Political Party Secretaries that it will not be able to direct the ballot papers for Postal Voting tomorrow (15), as previously planned. This was revealed by the Secretaries of the Political Parties who met with the National Election Commission on Tuesday (14) morning.Earlier, Chairman of the National Election Commission Attorney Nimal Punchihewa speaking to News 1st said that the current state of affairs surrounding the election will be discussed at the meeting. Election Monitors were also summoned for this meeting.The Secretaries of the Political Parties  revealed that the National Election Commission is yet to decide on whether or not the Local Government Election will be held on the 9th of March 2023. They also noted that the National Election Commission is likely to face an issue concerning the Ballot Papers required for postal voting.Palitha Range Bandara, the General Secretary for the United National Party told reporters that the UNP has never called for a delay in elections."How can one even ask for funds from President Ranil Wickremesinghe, after he took over a country that was literally bankrupt," he told the media while leaving the National Election Commission premises.He said that based on the meeting with the NEC it is likely the election would be delayed."If the government says it does not have the funds, if the Government Printer says it cannot print the ballot papers without payment, it is the National Election Commission that needs to decide on the matter," he added.Ranjith Madduma Bandara, the General Secretary of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya told reporters that the National Election Commission had given an undertaking to go ahead with
Sajith Premadasa - Ranil Wickremesinghe - Dinesh Gunawardena - Sri Lanka’s President and PM issues statements to mark the 75th Independence Day - newsfirst.lk - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s President and PM issues statements to mark the 75th Independence Day
Sri Lanka's President and Prime Minister issued statements to mark the 75th Independence Day.In his message, President Ranil Wickremesinghe says there is a new economic and social reform agenda before the country with the objectives focusing first on recovery and then on renewed development. The Head of State stated it is imperative for us to unite in its implementation so that we can emerge with a high level of economic prosperity. He pledged to make the extremely difficult though vital decisions to achieve this goal with courage and determination. Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena in his message to mark the 75th Independence Day said "today, we not only celebrate our freedom, but also pay tribute to the ones who fought for it, to the ones who held a vision for our country, and to the ones who sacrificed themselves for the same." The Premier says the bravery, heroic acts as well as untold miseries suffered by our forefathers during their struggle for freedom of the Motherland must not be allowed to fade away from our memories.The Prime Minister adds the government has taken a series of measures to ensure recovery of the economy, and increase agricultural production to attain self-sufficiency and food security. Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa also issued a statement to mark the 75th Independence Day. He stated "despite the fact that Sri Lanka has been independent for 75 years, we have failed to make that independence meaningful on national, social, educational, and religious levels."The Opposition Leader stated being trapped in "narrow chauvinism and communalism" is not the way to experience true freedom.