Nearly a quarter of kids with COVID or MIS-C had neurologic involvementAmong US children and teens hospitalized with COVID-19 or its related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), 22% had neurologic conditions, most of them transient but 12% of them life-threatening or fatal, according to a study today in JAMA Neurology.A team led by researchers at Boston Children's Hospital studied 1,695 patients with COVID-19 younger than 21 years admitted to 61 hospitals, 616 (36%) of whom also had MIS-C, from Mar 15 to Dec 15, 2020.
Neurologic involvement was identified in 365 (22%) of patients from 52 hospitals.Patients with neurologic symptoms were more likely than their peers to have underlying neurologic conditions (81 of 365 [22%]