We now know that an Elsbeth character will be popping in and out of the second season as it continues airing on CBS.
Tonight is the winter premiere after being on hiatus for several weeks due to the holidays. Well, we learned some fun new info! Keep reading to find out more… In December’s episodes, Carrie Preston‘s character Elsbeth’s son, Teddy, visited for the holidays, and he will be back for more! Ben Levi Ross, who portrays Teddy, told TV Insider, “I think the more that the show goes on, the more opportunities there will be to explore his life.
Because at this moment in the very beginning, he really is a catalyst for us being able to see Elsbeth in a different position.
We haven’t really seen her as a mother. We haven’t seen her as a parent. And so in these two episodes, especially 207, that’s my main purpose at the moment.