Department of Health:No New Cases Of Covid-19 Likely Just A LullToday is the first day since mid-March DOH has not reported any new cases.
While this is good news, it does not mean, in any way, the end of the COVID-19 crisis. DOH and State leaders caution that social distancing measures, use of masks when in public places, and frequent hand-washing and sanitization of surfaces must continue to keep the infection curve flat in Hawai‘i.Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, May 8, 2020Island of DiagnosisNew CasesReported since2/28/2020(including new cases)Total Released from IsolationO‘ahu0408385Hawai‘i07467Maui011493Kaua‘i02121Moloka‘i022Lana‘i000Residents Diagnosed outside HI010Unknown**00Total0629Total released from isolation 566Deaths