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Clinical platform trials for coronavirus (COVID-19) treatments - - Britain
Clinical platform trials for coronavirus (COVID-19) treatments
, the COVID-19 Antivirals and Therapeutics Taskforce closed on 31 March 2023.Find out more about on the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) website.Find out more about on the NHS website.Clinical trials are essential to finding new and improved methods of treating different diseases including coronavirus (COVID-19).Clinical trials allow us to understand whether new treatments:Phase 1 and 2 trials are early-stage trials involving small numbers of participants to ensure a treatment is safe to use and shows evidence of a benefit beyond the standard of care.Treatments that are found to be safe at this stage may then proceed to be tested in a phase 3 clinical trial.Phase 3 trials involve large numbers of patients and assess whether a treatment is effective enough to be used more widely in the NHS.The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) established a single UK-wide process to prioritise COVID-19 research as Urgent Public Health research early in the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose was to:The COVID-19 Antivirals and Therapeutics Taskforce worked with NIHR and other partners to horizon scan and monitor national and international developments in COVID-19 antivirals and therapeutics.The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is continuing to support a series of national clinical trial ‘platforms’ across all phases of human trials and in a range of patient cohorts.
Jennifer Lopez - Jennifer Aniston - Heidi Klum - Celebrity-loved diet linked to higher risk of heart disease death: study - - China - Usa - city Chicago - city Shanghai, China
Celebrity-loved diet linked to higher risk of heart disease death: study
celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum and Jennifer Lopez has been shockingly connected to a severely increased risk of cardiovascular death, via a newly published study.Users of the so-called 16:8 diet — in which one eats only during an eight-hour window and fasts for the other 16 hours in a day — are at an increased 91% risk of dying from heart disease compared to those who eat over 12- or 16-hour periods, South West News Service reports.“Our findings encourage a more cautious, personalized approach to dietary recommendations, ensuring they are aligned with an individual’s health status and the latest scientific evidence,” senior author Dr. Victor Wenze Zhong said in a statement.“We were surprised to find in our study that people who followed an eight-hour, time-restricted eating schedule were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease,” added Zhong, a professor and chair of the department of epidemiology and biostatistics at China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.Those with a cardiovascular illness who ate in a window of time lasting between eight and 10 hours a day have a 66% higher risk of dying from heart disease or stroke, according to the data.Researchers analyzed the eating habits of more than 20,000 US adults — with an average age of 49 — over a median period of eight years.The research was presented Monday at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention│Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Scientific Sessions 2024 in Chicago.