CoppaFeel! founder Kristin Hallenga has died aged 38.The writer and cancer charity founder was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer at the age of 23, in 2009.She is the founder and CEO of "CoppaFeel" a charity to raise the awareness of breast cancer and the importance of self checking.A statement released by her charity read: "We share the sad news that our founder, boob chief, colleague, friend and queen of glittering turds, Kris, has died."Kris was the biggest promoter of being ‘alive to do those things’.
She approached life in a wildly creative, fun and fearless way, and showed us that it is possible to live life to the full with cancer."In 2009 Kris was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer at the age of 23, after being turned away from her GP for over a year.
By the time she was diagnosed, it was terminal. Kris’ ambition was for no one else to find themselves in her position and so CoppaFeel!
was born, to ensure breast cancers are diagnosed early and accurately."Kris has reached millions of people with her message of health advocacy and empowerment, successfully campaigned for cancer education to be included in the school curriculum, won the Women of the Year Outstanding Young Campaigner award, received an Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration from Nottingham Trent University and wrote a Times Best Selling book: Glittering a Turd. "Kris’ life mission was that CoppaFeel!