A health expert has revealed how to avoid 'gamers' neck' pain many people deal with while playing their favorite first-person shooter or scrolling social media.Marathon gaming sessions are all fun and games - until you can’t move your head the next day.
People's screen times are continuing to rise and spending hours scrolling on social media can leave you with a humped neck that is painful and hard to move.Marin Cristian-Ovidiu, a game developer and the inventor of OnlineGames.io, reveals his tried and true methods for avoiding 'gamers' neck'.
If you try out some of the tips and tricks below, you will find you can stay comfortable for longer - and have less anxiety about the future of your spine."One of the fastest ways to relieve neck pain is to pause your game, stand up, and walk around for a little while," advises Marin. "This allows your body to move around and gets you out of the same position you have likely been sitting in for hours." The longer you are sitting with your neck bent, the likelier it is to get sore.Poor posture during gaming sessions or long shifts at work can lead to back and neck issues like frequent headaches, reduced spinal mobility, and more.
Marin says: "If you are a dedicated gamer, then it’s worth it to invest in an ergonomic gaming chair to reduce these symptoms and promote overall lumbar health."If you are planning to have a gaming session lasting several hours, you need to make sure to take posture break checks throughout. "The best way to remember is to set timers on your phone for every 30 minutes to remind yourself to straighten up," Marin says. "If you’re playing with friends, you can all set timers and remind each other."A good ritual to get into to avoid ‘gamers’ neck’ is to have a