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Can you pass the citizenship test? Most Canadians would fail, poll suggests - - Britain - France - Canada - county Canadian
Can you pass the citizenship test? Most Canadians would fail, poll suggests
Canada Day approaches, but a new poll suggests their minds aren’t full of the knowledge needed to pass a citizenship test.In a survey of 1,512 Canadian adults, Leger found that only 23 per cent would pass the citizenship test, based on their answers to 10 randomly selected questions.People who wish to become Canadian need to answer 20 questions about citizens’ rights and responsibilities, as well as Canada’s history, geography, economy, government, laws and symbols.They need to score at least 75 per cent to pass, but the average score of the Canadians who were surveyed was only 49 per cent.The questions focused on things like famous Canadians (Who is John Buchan?), history (Who established the first European settlements in Canada?) and national symbols (Whose portrait is on the Canadian $10 bill?).The correct answers, for those struggling along with most survey respondents, are: a popular governor general, the French and Viola Desmond.History questions seemed to trip up respondents the most: For example, only 24 per cent knew that the House of Commons recognized in 2006 that the Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada.Only 29 per cent knew the Constitutional Act granted legislative assemblies elected by the people, and only 41 per cent knew that English settlement began in 1610.They fared slightly better when it came to national symbols and influential people: 49 per cent knew that Marjorie Turner-Bailey is an Olympian and descendant of black loyalists, and 42 per cent recognized Canada’s motto, “From sea to sea.”Most Canadians were also in-the-know about the main groups of Indigenous Peoples in the country, with 79 per cent correctly identifying First Nations, Metis and Inuit.People in Western Canada scored
Digital loonie? Bank of Canada wants your thoughts on potential new currency - - China - India - Canada - county Canadian
Digital loonie? Bank of Canada wants your thoughts on potential new currency
Bank of Canada wants to know what Canadians think about the possibility of a digital loonie.Consultations on what Canadians would like to have included in a digital currency are open online from May 8 until June 19, the Bank of Canada said Monday.The central bank notes, however, that the decision to launch a digital version of the Canadian dollar remains in the hands of Parliament and physical coins and banknotes aren’t going anywhere.Compared to private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which can sometimes fluctuate in value like a stock, a digital currency backed by the central bank would not be subject to the same level of volatility — it would always retain the same value as a Canadian dollar.The central bank wants to know how Canadians would use a hypothetical digital currency, as well as any concerns they have about security and accessibility.While the Bank reassured Canadians in its announcement that physical banknotes will always be available to those who want them, it said in a release Monday there could be a future where cash transactions are not common in day-to-day banking, which could inadvertently exclude some from the financial system.There is currently no need for a digital currency in Canada, the central bank said in the release.But it added that if other central banks or private organizations eventually adopt their own digital currencies — China and India are two such countries that have already taken the step — falling behind could be a risk to Canada’s economy and the stability of the financial system.“As Canada’s central bank, we want to make sure everyone can always take part in our country’s economy,” Carolyn Rogers, senior deputy governor at the central bank, said in a statement.
Chrystia Freeland - In Budget 2023, Liberals eye inflation relief ‘without having to write a big cheque’ - - Canada - Eu - county Canadian
In Budget 2023, Liberals eye inflation relief ‘without having to write a big cheque’
2023 federal budget sees the Liberal government shift its tact amid an uncertainty economy and Canadians in need of inflation relief, looking to save money in the near term with cost-free measures that flex its influence on areas where it can make a tangible impact.Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland unveiled the second budget of the Liberals’ current minority mandate on Tuesday and put the focus on both reining in spending while supporting Canadians who have been hit hard by high inflation and rising interest rates.“Our most vulnerable friends and neighbours are still feeling the bite of higher prices,” she said in a speech to Parliament on Tuesday afternoon, according to her prepared remarks.“And that is why our budget delivers targeted inflation relief to those who need it most.”The biggest line item on the affordability front is $2.5 billion in spending for a so-called “grocery rebate” aimed at lower-income households, as reported by Global News and others ahead of Tuesday’s budget release.The one-time rebate is expected to deliver $467 directly to a family of four, $234 to a single Canadian without kids and $225 to the average senior.An estimated 11 million Canadian households are expected to receive the boost via the GST tax credit mechanism, and it does not have to be spent on groceries.Other measures announced in the 2023 budget without costs attached are a plan to crackdown on so-called “junk fees” attached to concert tickets or baggage costs, for example, as well as plans to move towards an automatic tax filing system to ensure low-income Canadians take advantage of already available rebates.The federal government also announced plans in the budget to follow in the European Union’s footsteps towards a universal