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Mahinda Amaraweera - Yala Chaos: Guides & Park Rangers interdicted after video goes viral of SUV fleet joy riding inside Yala - newsfirst.lk - Sri Lanka
Yala Chaos: Guides & Park Rangers interdicted after video goes viral of SUV fleet joy riding inside Yala
COLOMBO (News 1st) – The guides who accompanied a group in a fleet of vehicles who operated recklessly inside the Yala National Park, and the Park Rangers who failed to control the situation have been interdicted, said Minister Mahinda Amaraweera.Several videos of a fleet of vehicles entering the Yala National Park and doing doughnuts inside the park premises harassing the wildlife went viral on social media, attracting widespread condemnation from netizens.Sri Lanka's Ministry of Agriculture in a statement said that Minister Mahinda Amaraweera had instructed to immediately take action against against those involved in the incident.In addition, the Minister had requested the Inspector General of Police to arrest them irrespective of their status and position.The Minister added that steps will be taken to blackslist such individuals and vehicles from entering the Yala National Park.On Monday (24), The Department of Wildlife said that strict legal action will be taken against individuals who cause harm or harassment to the wild animals inside the Yala National Park.Director General of Wildlife Chandana Sooriyabandara told News 1st that Minister Mahinda Amaraweera has given clear instructions to institute immediate legal action against all individuals who had caused harm to wild animals using vehicles inside the Yala National Park.He said the Department of Wildlife is in possession of the information regarding such people, and the necessary evidence to take action against them.