The most important decision you will ever make is what to do with the time that’s given to you.I recently received a thank you email from a reader named Hope.
She said our work helped motivate her through an arduous recovery process following a serious car accident this past year. Although her entire story is both heartbreaking and inspiring, this one line made me pause and think:“The happiest moment of my life is still that split-second a year ago when, as I laid crushed under a 2000 pound car, I realized my husband and 9-year-old boy were out of the vehicle and absolutely OK.”Dire moments like this force us to acknowledge what’s truly important to us.
In Hope’s case it was her husband and son. And in the remainder of her email she talks about how her family spends significantly more time together now, sharing daily stories, telling little jokes, and appreciating each other’s company. “The accident made us realize how much time and joy we had been wasting every day on things that weren’t even important, which prevented us from spending quality time with each other,” she said.It’s hard to think about a story like Hope’s and not ask yourself: What do I need to stop wasting my time and joy on?Here are some things to consider that I’ve been examining in my own life:Pay attention to the little things this holiday season, because when you really miss someone you miss the little things the most, like just laughing together.
Go for long walks. Indulge in great conversations. Count your mutual blessings. Let go for a little while and just be together.Schedule time every day to not be busy.