will be “logging off” after enduring several weeks of “unending harassment.” “For the last month, I’ve received hundreds of hateful messages and unending harassment related to my account being hacked,” Seiter, 36, wrote. “I wish I was stronger but I can’t take any more and am logging off of social media for good and am checking myself into a wellness facility now to try to get some kind of handle on my mental health.”“I am losing my phone in the next hour.
I love you all. To the people sending me death threats, you win,” continued Seiter. The Post reached out to Seiter’s reps for comment.
News that the “Bachelorette” star had allegedly passed away broke late last month after a hacking attempt on Seiter’s Instagram mere days after the reality star talked openly about his struggles with depression and anxiety. “It is with an extremely heavy heart that we share the tragic news of Joshua’s unexpected passing.
As all who knew him can attest, Joshua was an incredibly bright light in an increasingly dim world,” according to a statement credited to Seiter’s family and posted to his Instagram page.“His fearless voice and indomitable spirit helped thousands of people in their darkest moments feel just a little less alone.