The popular US drama series One Tree Hill is set to make a comeback, 12 years after its final episode aired. According to Deadline, original cast members Sophia Bush and Hilarie Burton are expected to return as Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer, but this time they will also serve as executive producers.Insiders revealed to the publication that the sequel series is currently in the works for Netflix, with writer and executive producer Becky Hartman and Warner Bros TV joining the project.Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles are also slated to executive produce the project through their Chaos Machine banner, with Danneel potentially reprising her role as Rachel Scott.Hints of the reboot were dropped by Hilarie and Sophia when Hilarie posted a photo with her former co-stars, hinting at a reunion.
She wrote: "What if you really can go back home? If there's an opportunity to team with brilliant creatives and build a space where all our friends can show off their talents?
Own our history? Reclaim our turf? Honor our fans?" reports OK!. "Sign us up. There's only one Tree Hill, after all. And you - the #OTHfam - have shown us that it's not just an idea.
It really is the place where "everything's better and everything's safe. "".If the show gets the green light, it's reported that stars including James Lafferty (Nathan Scott) and Bethany Joy Lenz (Haley James Scott) will be approached to return.The original series is currently available to stream on ITVX and the reboot will see Brooke and Peyton grappling with the trials of parenting teenagers, who are experiencing the same issues they once did.However, Lucas Scott may not make a return, as actor Chad Michael Murray reportedly has no desire to revisit the show that catapulted him to