an interview with Consequence on Thursday that he was going to get a boob job for hidden camera pranks on his upcoming Super Dummy Tour, where he’d trick groups of men on the street into thinking he was a woman.However, those plans were squashed after he had a chance encounter with a transgender stranger at the grocery store.“On the day that the scheduled surgery was supposed to happen, I was checking out at the supermarket.
And the person ringing up my groceries was evidently transgender, and it struck me as a sign from the universe,” he said. “So I asked the transgender person if I could run something by them,” Steve-O continued, “and I had a conversation with this person that had a profound impact on me.”Steve-O said that his “motivation” for the planned sketches were not “to be hurtful to anybody,” though he acknowledged that the response from people probably “would’ve been a mixed bag.”“I didn’t really have any dedicated meetings or conversations with trans people, because I didn’t really feel that I had to,” he explained. “But I just feel like the universe put this encounter before me, and ultimately I decided that the universe had intervened.”Steve-O explained his plans to the trans person, who in turn told the famous comedian about the “oppression” they’ve faced.“[They] described how they weren’t allowed to use the bathroom at their place of work, that there were like maybe 28 states in the country that would arrest them for having an ID that said female on it.
That there were politicians making concerted efforts to lock them up in internment camps. It was really pretty heartbreaking, the level of oppression that was described,” Steve-O said.“Framed like that, I thought about it in a way that I hadn’t before,.