Feet can be a key indicator of serious health issues, a pharmacist has warned. Heart disease and diabetes are among the most severe conditions that your foot health can point towards, pharmacist Noel Wicks said.
Swollen feet and brittle toenails are among the signs to look out for, he added. Mr Wicks, advisor to Excilor, said: "We need to keep an eye on our foot health, including our toenails, because it can impact on our overall health and be a sign of [serious] health issues. READ NEXT: 'I thought I had a blocked pore on my face until a TikTok warning led me to a nightmare diagnosis' Each foot consists of 26 bones, 30 joints and over 100 muscles, along with numerous blood vessels, the Mirror reports.
Blood vessels in the toes are small and can easily become blocked by fat, which is a sign of heart disease. Mr Wicks explained that this process can lead to symptoms like cold, numb, painful, or swollen feet.
He added: "Thickening and brittleness of toenails may also occur with heart disease." The pharmacist warned that signs of diabetes in the feet can be easily overlooked because they are so subtle.