Weeks into the new school year, as I rushed to get my kids ready and out the door, I lost my cool — again. My kids, shocked and shaken, watched as I threw down my bike and stormed into the house.
Then I slid down the same familiar shame spiral.“Why couldn’t I be the patient, loving Mom I wanted to be? Why did I have to lose it and yell?
Why couldn’t I get my $#!t together to get my kids to school?” On and on my thoughts went. I was spiraling faster, but I needed to find a way out.
As the only adult around, I still had to get my kids to school. I was not sure if I needed to scream and shout, hit a pillow, stuff my feelings, or take deep breaths.With an ADHD brain that is easily dysregulated, morning meltdowns were once normal occurrences for me.