The Sun UK and La Nacion.“What happened there, sir?” the operator replied.The manager, “Esteban,” claimed that Payne was destroying his hotel room and was under the influence of “drugs and alcohol.”“Well, we have a guest who is drunk on drugs and alcohol.
And, well, he’s… When he’s conscious, he’s breaking up the whole room. And, well, we need you to send someone, please,” the distressed manager pleaded.They discussed the location of the hotel and the manager insisted, “We need you to send someone urgently because, well, I don’t know if this guest’s life is at risk.
They must be in a room that has a balcony. And well, we’re a little bit worried he’ll do something, that he’ll put his life at risk.”“How long has it been there or is it a residential hotel?” the operator asked.“No, no, he’s been there for two or three days,” the manager said.“Resources” were sent at 5:04 p.m.
and emergency medical services were requested after police were notified of a fall around 5:07 p.m., La Nacion reported.Payne dead on the scene, with authorities saying “there was no possibility of resuscitating him.” Payne’s body was put into an ambulance that drove away with a police escort.