“Boy Meets World” actress, 43, revealed her diagnosis on Monday’s episode of her podcast, “Pod Meets World,” that she hosts with her former co-stars Will Friedle and Rider Strong. “I would like to share something with our listeners, something that Rider and Will were actually two of the first people I told the news to,” Fishel said. “I was recently diagnosed with DCIS, which stands for ductal carcinoma in situ, which is a form of breast cancer,” she shared.“It is very, very, very early,” the actress continued. “It’s technically stage zero.
To be specific, I was diagnosed with high-grade DCIS with micro-invasion. And I’m going to be fine. I’m having surgery to remove it.
I’m going to be on some follow-up treatment. I’ve had to make a lot of decisions over the last couple of days.”Fishel explained that she initially wasn’t going to share her diagnosis publicly, but she realized she could help others with her own health story.“If you’ve ever had those thoughts in your life where someone close to you is diagnosed with cancer, somewhere in your mind you think, ‘What would I do if this were me?
What would I do in this situation?’ ” she said.“And for some reason, I had always thought I would suffer in silence. I would get the diagnosis.