The latest statistics from Social Security Scotland show that at the end of October, some 374,655 people were receiving Adult Disability Payment (ADP) and of that total figure, some 130,450 (35%) were new claimants and 244,205 (63%) were existing PIP case transfers from the Department for Work Pensions (DWP).
The data also indicates that the average time to process a new claim for ADP is now 49 working days, which means people making a new claim this month could have an award decision before the end of March.
Eligibility for ADP is broadly similar to PIP, however, a new guide has been published which could help people understand what information is and isn’t necessary to include on the application form, especially if it’s their first time making a claim for a disability benefit.
The 'ADP application form and how to interpret it’ i s designed to help case managers make consistent and fair determinations for all individuals applying for the devolved payment. The ADP claim form consists of two parts: This includes five key areas: The guidance goes into more detail for each section and gives example answers - not to be copied and pasted into a real application - which could help people who are unfamiliar with applying for disability assistance.