After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun” that dropped Tuesday, Nicole Eggert, Carmen Electra, Bill Warlock, Gregory Alan Williams, David Chokachi, Alexandra Paul and more former cast members recount the highs and lows of working on the iconic lifeguard series.“They just wanted to put you under a microscope and see where your flaws are,” said Chokachi, 56, who played Cody Madison.“Everybody was disposable.
And if you didn’t fit into their brand, you were gone,” added Warlock, 63, who played Eddie Kramer.Williams, 68, said his role as Garner Ellerbee “empowered me.
Every now and then it hurt me.”‘But so do the people and the things we love,” Williams added, before getting emotional and telling the producers he needs “to take a break.”Pamela Anderson, who became a worldwide star from her role as CJ Parker, is described in the trailer for as “an icon” and “a sweet girl from Canada who came to get the American dream.”In a never-aired interview, Anderson, 57, said, “I’m really proud of everything I’ve done — almost.”Electra, 52, also weighed in on becoming a “bombshell” as result of the show.“It was a wild time and I was a wild chick,” she said in the trailer.
The docuseries, according to its logline, promises “a nostalgic and insightful exploration of ‘Baywatch,’ the cultural phenomenon that defined an era, and an unprecedented look into the stars who brought the world’s most famous lifeguards to life.