“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”Benjamin Franklin“If I don’t train enough, of course I’m nervous.“Haile GebrselassieIt starts with just a little tremble within.
Then a pressure builds up.A hand or foot starts to fidget. Your palms become moist and you start to feel not quite like yourself anymore.The inner calmness you felt has flown out the window.Nervousness is back, like an old friend you didn’t want to see.Just in time for that date you had been looking forward to for the past week.
Or the important meeting at work or your presentation in school.So what can you do at this point?Back down, come up with a poor excuse and cancel (as your self-esteem plummets)?Plow through the meeting or date while being not quite your best self?It is certainly possible.
I have done both.But an even better approach has – in my experience – been to find strategies and develop habits that help me to handle this challenge.Here are 7 of my favorite habits for dealing with and overcoming nervousness.1.