Lackluster or inconsistent motivation is one of the most common and challenging problems for students with ADHD, who often struggle to turn on and tune in to schoolwork they find less than captivating.
Difficulties with motivation often result in poor academic performance, further decreasing motivation and contributing to a self-defeating cycle.But motivation in children with ADHD is complex and often misunderstood.
Motivation may seem attitudinal, but it is closely tied to the neurobiology of ADHD, and how the brain perceives challenges.Though ADHD motivation problems are real, it is possible to engage children with ADHD.
Read on to understand what’s behind motivation problems in children with ADHD, and the strategies that can help break the cycle of low motivation in the classroom.Neuroscience and behavior science can help explain motivation, and why children with ADHD in particular find it difficult to initiate, sustain, or complete tasks.