health announcement with a sweet message on his Instagram Story Monday.“I’m so proud of @daniellefishel for using her platform to raise awareness,” the film producer wrote.“We can’t miss appointments and we need to get checked,” he continued.
Karp added about his wife, “She’s the strongest person I’ve ever met. She’s got this.”Fishel, 43, and Karp have been married since 2018.
They have two sons together, Adler, 5, and Keaton, 2.The “Boy Meets World” alumna announced that she was diagnosed with a form of breast cancer called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) on Monday’s episode of her “Pod Meets World” podcast.“It is very, very, very early,” she said. “It’s technically stage zero.
To be specific, I was diagnosed with high-grade DCIS with micro-invasion. And I’m going to be fine. I’m having surgery to remove it.