Long before I knew my first fact about ADHD, and well before my own ADHD diagnosis, I knew that to be around people was often work.
I had to be “on.”When I’m “on” it feels like my mental faculties are on steroids. It’s like all the electrical fibers of my being are jacked up to the max, all in the name of social camouflage.
I am ON.Call it masking or impression management. Regardless, it’s a cover for us normally fidgety, possibly shy, and distracted interrupters who inhabit ADHD land.“Masking” doesn’t feel how it sounds. “Herculean Hide” or “Backbreak Fake” sound more accurate.
If you’ve ever masked, you know why: you’d give anything to be wearing a real mask in these situations.Imagine having a roomy mask covering the entire front half of your skull, doing the work of being Fake You while Real You got to relax underneath.