Triaging a to-do list rarely comes naturally, but it’s learning how to prioritize is a skill that can be taught. Guide your child through these steps:1. Brain Dump: Jot down every single task on the horizon.2. Next, Sort.3. Make a shorter list: On a new page, create a smaller to-do list containing five or so items.
The first items should be urgent, followed by some important ones. Set aside the long list and only refer to the short list.
When it’s time for a new to-do list, return to the brain dump to pull more tasks.[Get This Download: The Eisenhower Matrix for Prioritization]Avoidance procrastination happens when you dread an unpleasant task.
Maybe the task was unwieldy to begin with, or maybe it started small (e.g., writing in a daily reading log) but due to avoidance, ballooned in size (e.g., a whole month of daily entries).