Vicki Gunvalson, known for appearing on the Real Housewives of Orange County star, has revealed that she was rushed to hospital earlier this month with a 'deadly' sepsis infection.
Alongside the infection, she experienced symptoms usually synonymous with a stroke and some memory loss - wit her boyfriend Michael Smith taking her to hospital after finding her unconscious.The reality star got emotional as she detailed the scary experience on her podcast, My Friend, My Soulmate, My Podcast.
She began: "There’s a lot of hours missing in my life because I got amnesia/semi-stroke." After suffering some memory loss, Vicki originally went to the hospital and was misdiagnosed and discharged with a sinus infection.
With her partner Michael also on the podcast, he took over explaining and shared: "One of the scariest things for me was when I walked in, for some reason, Vicki decided she wanted to take a bath, so she’s in the bathtub with water and I walk in and she’s pretty much passed out.