High quality relationships that make you feel happy, safe and loved are a key resource in your life.They offer you:However, if you attract toxic relationships and toxic people, this will have the opposite effect on your life and your success.Toxic people will:So let’s talk about the 5 Main reasons why having successful relationships make you more successful in life.What are emotional resources?Emotional resources are feelings within us (such as empathy and love or even frustration and despair) that motivate us to take action in order to secure resources in life.As Tony Robbins says: “We all would do more for the people we love than we would do for ourselves.”When we live only for ourselves, we don’t have the same emotions that motivate us to gain deeper insights needed to serve our customers, raise our standards or do what it takes to get that promotion.
When we are in a healthy relationship, we feel more connected emotionally to something beyond ourselves.Essentially, by being in relationships we become more vulnerable and we are forced to dig deeper in order to offer more of ourselves.This is a risk we take with our finite energy and vulnerability that helps us feel deeper.And when we feel deeper, we are able to:“The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.” – Tony Robbins.If you are able to attract and keep quality relationships in your life, you will find that you have more confidence to connect with other people, no matter who they are.This is because you feel safe in connection, instead of shying away from it.There’s nothing worse for any human’s mental health and self esteem than to constantly be alone without connection and human company.Of course, those with attachment trauma or an insecure.