“The reality is that, while Maria is clearly a cognitively bright young lady, she wouldn’t necessarily be considered gifted in any particular area.”“In talking with Maria, it is clear that her family and instructors have historically viewed her as being intellectually quite bright and an underachiever.”These are not a passive-aggressive bully’s words, a sibling’s backhanded compliment, or careless remarks delivered at a parent-teacher conference.
These are the very deliberate words of a neurologist, neuropsychologist, and medical-education specialist following my ADHD evaluation in childhood.
The intended audience: my parents, my family physician, and my teachers.The clinic’s problematic “assessment” and cruel words still haunt me years later.
I didn’t read their words until I was in my 40s, and I finally understood why I had a decades-long habit of telling people I have no special talents.