Linlithgow MSP Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the news that no new cases of cervical cancer have been detected in women across West Lothian who have received the HPV vaccine.A new study from Public Health Scotland shows that no cervical cancer cases have been detected in fully vaccinated women since the immunisation programme started in Scotland in 2008.Ms Hyslop said these incredible numbers highlight the importance of receiving the HPV vaccine.Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus, usually spread through sexual contact, and responsible for almost all cases of cervical cancer - the fourth-most common cause of cancer in women worldwide.The HPV vaccine is offered as a routine immunisation through school-based programmes to all S1 pupils in Scotland.It helps to protect both boys and girls from other HPV-related cancers later in life, such as head, neck and anogenital cancers as well as genital warts.My Hyslop said: “In West Lothian, 2,471 pupils received the vaccine last year and there have been no new cases of cervical cancer detected in those who are fully vaccinated.“Figures from Public Health Scotland show that there have been no cervical cancer cases detected in fully vaccinated women since the immunisation programme began in 2008, highlighting the importance of receiving the vaccine.“This shows the efficacy of preventative healthcare, and I would encourage all those who are offered the HPV vaccine to take it.” Don't miss the latest news from the West Lothian Courier.