Mark Wahlberg is explaining his on-set apology. The 53-year-old Ted actor, who plays a villain in the new movie Flight Risk, felt he had to apologize to his co-stars regarding his standoffish behavior off-camera. “I was locked into the part the whole time.
I apologized at the end because I wasn’t very engaging off camera or outside of shooting, but I was just in [that] head space,” he told People. Keep reading to find out more… In the film, he plays a mysterious pilot responsible for transporting a key government informant (Topher Grace) alongside a U.S.
Marshal (Michelle Dockery). However, it’s revealed that Mark‘s character isn’t who he says he is, which results in his passengers forcibly removing him from the cockpit. “I was like the guy who was like constantly picking at them, poking them and prodding them, you know, from the back of the plane the whole entire time,” he said, adding that he didn’t really socialize with anyone else on set during production. “If we weren’t shooting, I was like either off in the corner by myself, or I just would kind of go back to my little dressing room and just sit there,” he said. “We only had 22 days of shooting.
So it wasn’t four months, five months of this. We shot it very quickly,” he added. He points to performances like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, Robert De Niro in Cape Fear, and John Malkovich in In the Line of Fire as inspiration for his villainous role. “Those are the kind of characters that I always loved and gravitated towards, and I hadn’t done it in such a long time.