The benefits of music for the mind, body, and overall health are well-known and well documented. Music strikes a chord with the brain — regulating mood and stress, improving memory and cognition, and even adding structure to daily life — in a way few other therapies can.Children with ADHD experience out-sized benefits from music.
The rhythm, melody, tempo, and lyrics of music may be harnessed to help them activate focus, boost organizational skills, incentivize desired behaviors, improve ADHD symptoms, and more.Whether it’s Mozart or Metallica, music benefits kids with ADHD, even if they’re not musicians.
Here, learn creative activities your family can incorporate into daily life that turn up the volume on music’s healing powers.The temporal and rhythmic properties of music are thought to modulate some symptoms of inattentiveness.
Playing, or learning to play an instrument, can also help develop skills needed for sustaining attention, alternating attention, impulse control, and decision-making.