The start of a new year brings with it the next set of ambitious plans that we will all "definitely" start in January and carry on into the rest of the year.
However, by the time February hits, the majority of us have already sacked in our resolutions and gone back to old habits.Not that this applies to everyone, as many people do well to stick to these drastic changes they have challenged themselves to.
As much as we may feel envious of what others have achieved, maybe it is time we change our perspective of new years resolutions.Instead of aspiring for major changes - which may become overwhelming when the reality of every day life sets in - what if we focused on starting small, manageable habits that can easily be interwoven into our daily routines?Health and wellness experts have come up with eight micro habits that can easily be adopted and will leave you feeling accomplished and refreshed over time.As much as we may try and ignore the chilly weather outside and stay within the warmth of our fluffy blankets, going outside every day is beneficial for our minds and bodies.
You may doubt it at the time but going outdoors can help avoid low moods and stagnation.Nichola Henderson, holistic life coach and wellness specialist, said: “Feel the fresh air, the wind and rain, brave the elements for a short time.